Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flower. Power

If it can be done with a glue gun, people.....I can do it.

Craft, that is.
When I saw these (ok.....don't really look at the original and see that mine is just the ghetto version....)
Just kidding. You should totally check out the original that mine's based off. Her's is super super cool and sewn and everything. I'm pretty sure she rocks the crafting world with Martha and Ashley Ann and all those other cool crafties.
But here's my version.
Made with some felt I had leftover from this flowery project.
Remember these?

So, anyways, here's the tut (toot) :

Cut out a rectangular shape for the base of your bookmark.
Then I used an applesauce lid to trace for my larger petals (you'll need 2 of these circles)
A milk cap traced was the perfect size for my smaller petals. You'll need 2 of these as well.

To make the petals you cut the circles in half.

Beginning with the larger petals, arrange them on your bookmark like so...

Layer with your smaller petals. Over under, over under....

Then I added a super small piece of felt for the middle and put a coffee bean on top.

Because I like coffee. But you know what? If you are a lima bean person, you go right on ahead and put a lima bean on your flower. That would be awesome.

Did I mention you glue everything together with your trusty glue gun? No sewing involved, people. Just the magic of hot, sticky glue......careful, it burns.

Have a wonderful day..... Sun's shining here--YAY!
p.s. click here to still have a chance for my GIVEAWAY of these bookmarks (or 55 Hershey Kiss wrappers if you'd rather!)

+2 = 6 down, 494 to go

                                                                     linking up here


  1. these are way cute! you give me way too much credit though...martha? no way! LOL.

  2. Those turned out super cute. Love that blue one!

  3. Great job! Love the colors you chose. :)
    VIsiting from The House Creative!
