Friday, November 5, 2010

A Week in Pictures

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a pool noodle looks like?
Jon did.

James girls!

Look at that dimple.

Caleb captured this unique angle of Matt Our lil' pumpkin


Trick. Or. Treat.
Jon was inspired by Sunday afternoon's game and decided to go as a member of the Pack.
Caleb decided to rock the Spideyman attire again.
Matt pulled out the Elmo costume last minute. I'm glad he's over the accidental incident which occurred last year. I made the Elmo costume "talk" in an effort to get him jazzed to wear it. That pretty much back-fired when he was so freaked out he wouldn't even go near it. Apparently there are no permanent scars and that's what we should focus on in that (loving and well-intentioned mom) story.
There are times I'm not quite sure why I bother to make the bed. Justin's smiling because he can still take all 3 at once. That won't last forever!

There was a "Who Can Cross Their Eyes" assessment Tuesday night at dinner. Jon has clearly mastered the skill (phew... college scholarship here was come). Note the flash of light pointing to his nose. Cool, huh?
Justin assures me I'm still his #1 girl, but this little one pretty much has her daddy wrapped. I'm quite sure she knows it, too. Hmph. She's lucky she's cute. And cuddly. And sweet. And that her mommy LOVES her way too much to care she's gotta share!

Have a great weekend, All!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurie, thanks for commenting on my blog! ;o) I see you were finally blessed with a baby girl as well! She's beautiful. Enjoy her! It's true what everyone says, girls are different. I'm learning that everyday now. ;) Hope you'll follow me!
