Friday, March 25, 2011

making Matthias (and oreos) better

my littlest guy was all smiles by the end of the day
well, maybe not ALL smiles
'cause he pretty much wanted to eat anything and everything
 he saw or could think of.
and after all the (ahem) episodes last night
I just wasn't wishing a repeat of that on anyone...
so I had to say "no" to the yogurt. and the cheese balls. and the pizza.
try explaining to a 3 year old that
"even though his tummy isn't making noise anymore"
he still can't have the food he's asking for
is like putting Who Let the Dogs Out on your MP3
and pushing repeat
it's not even amusing the first time
and it's exhausting by the 4th round of play

so here's your mission for the weekend:
make a cake mix
dip some oreos in it
place in greased cupcake tins
(I sprinkled mine up for an extra fun look)
bake @350 for 8ish minutes
wow. kidding.....I don't even like oreos
what's up with that?!
well, in my defense it is not nearly as offensive as what
Julie says about brownies in her last post
you can read about it HERE
and then you can go HERE
and make those, too!

God has a wonderful plan for your life...and so do I.
3 words:
cake. covered. oreos.

seriously.  have a SUPER weekend, All!

love, laurie for the fam


  1. Perfect for a house full of 14 year old boys coming for a birthday party don't you think!! I will let you know how they like them. :)

  2. yum! we just ate chocolate chip cookies baked in brownie batter-that was awesome too, but I'm wanting to try the oreos-looks so good!

  3. Ohh.I made these oreo things with brownie mix for some Christmas thing at church. It was a disaster..(granted I totally suck at making cookies)..I took them to church and secretly set them on the snack table so nobody knew they were mine-ha--yours look better and maybe easier.I might just have to try them!:)
