Friday, May 20, 2011

making eggs better and such

When I returned from Dallas
I immediately added two things to my grocery list:
sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil
they were key ingredients in Leah's yummy goods
and I was determined to step it up a notch in my kitchen fare
When I added them to yesterday mornings eggs
(along with some mozzarella cheese)
I was in awe of their goodness
It makes me almost want to eat eggs on a regular basis

Matthias grabbed these flowers at the Aldi check out and said,
"Mommy, I buy you flowers?"
I had but a moment's hesitation when the lady in front of me in line overheard
and was like
"well, of COURSE you're going to buy them, right?!"
of course. 
I smile everytime I see them

My sister-in-law asked to borrow a pie plate yesterday afternoon
and returned a couple hours later with a pecan pie.  just for us.
she's sweet like that, especially with her mad baking skillz
thanks, mindy
 it doesn't look as pretty now, all missing pieces and stuff

Remember this post?
yeah.....i'm totally changing the way I do my laundry
well, because a centipede came crawling on out of a load last week
pure. freaking.out.
and do you think Justin was home during this incident?!
murphy's law, people, murphy's law
please excuse the ugly garbage can in this pic

I love the (slowly but surely) nicer spring weather
--watching Jonathan sink baskets outside--
--listening to the sound of the boys playing on the back patio--
and feeling the cool spring breeze through the open windows
and screened doors
I love that the countdown to summer break has begun.

what's going on in your life?
have a SUPER weekend celebrating the everyday gifts
and randomness that makes our lives so very dear


  1. OH, I love Pecan Pie. We had one on Mother's Day. What a treasure of a sis-in-law! A centipede. Sorry. Better the laundry then a can of corn. Yep, just awhile back saw one at dinner of course after everyone gobbled most of them down. ;(
    TMI; I'm still passing up the canned corn at the grocery store. I can barely go down that aisle.

  2. Your eggs look delish! I love eggs...breakfast, lunch, name it!

    Isn't Aldi the best?!?!? I am speaking in the general term...aka: the prices :)

    Your Aldi flowers are lovely...they made me smile too!

    xx Cat
