Wednesday, April 20, 2011

sig giveaway to all and Matt Maher rocks

so here's the thing:
don't be looking for commentaries by Laurie James on the shelves of your local Christian Bookstore anytime soon.  seriously, I can't even make sense of what God is showing me in His Word...
I went back and read yesterday's post and was like "HUH?" 
But at MomTime (you know, the refreshing Tues. morning activity I reference in the same post?!) I had a great time in our small group talking about how Romans 8:26 and Romans 8:28 were only 2 verses apart from each other.  That was what I was trying to get across in the post. 
It's like....okay, sometimes we've got these things in our heart that we really want to pray for and we have NO.WORDS.  (can I get an AMEN?!) 
This happens to me a lot and it's really weird actually because you can just ask Justin about how I talk.
 A. Lot. 
Especially post-11PM but that's an entirely different post labeled under "marriage" and how he graciously puts up with me......ANYways,
I love how God works.  Because I wasn't even the one who brought up the passage in Romans 8 yesterday, it was the sweet newbie to our group and she was sharing how God was really speaking to her through verse 28. 
So I chimed in and shared how cool it was to me that verse 26 was only 2 verses before that
 (simple math, people....)
and how that rocked my "I-have-no-words-to-pray-right-now prayers connected with the idea that
God is working all things to the good of those who love Him
(um, even those of us who can't get our words straight in the prayer closet?!  Yes, Laurie, even those......)
Then one of the other sweet girls in my small group spoke up and said how verse 26 had been on her mind recently, too.....and how wild was it that God was speaking to both of us on the same verse.
Hmmmm......pretty wildly awesome, I'd say.
Does this even make a lick of sense to any of you, my darling blog readers?!
Well, if you are just the least bit encouraged OR are wondering why you even logged on to the Justin and Laurie Story today....

(if it wasn't to see an absolutely adorable Charity pic w/her Gramma...)

because I've become such a rambler--let me tell you.  I have a gift for you that almost made me do cartwheels yesterday.  Well, it's really only a gift if you are a blogger like myself, but let me tell you, are going to be stoked.

It's the gift of a signature and I've been wondering how to do one on my blog posts for some time now.  And one of my blogger b's sent me this here link:
and it pretty much gives you step-by-step instructions to hook yourself up with a cool sig like I've got going on. 
So no need to be jealous. 
And it took me like 12 minutes and I'm not so skilled in the computer department.  So you could prob rock it in like 7-9 minutes and then we can all be so impressed with your sig, too. 
Comment me up and let me know if you do it, cause I'd love to stop by your blog and admire......

for all my blogger b's who are still darling but don't do the blog thing, I've just got to share this sweet song with you one more time before this Sunday.  I love Easter Sunday and all the preciousness it is.   Seriously, I can't blast this Matt Maher hit loud enough in my van or in my house.  Which is probably a blessing to the world around me.....but they just might be missing out
So for all of you who don't have access to K-Love radio station and hear this tune every 3rd or 4th song (kid-ding) you go.  Again. 

The best Easter song.

have a SUPER wednesday.....go out and buy some crescant rolls and large mellows cause we're going to be making some edible empty tombs tomorrow.  I think.
(note to self:  put crescants and large marshmellows on ALDI list.  check.)

p.s. now if I only knew how to change my font on the rest of the post I'd feel super cool.......


  1. ahhhh...too fun! so doing that for my blog!

  2. Proving once again, you are a blogger girls best friend!
    Come admire... ;)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you liked the tutorial for the shopping cart cover. Your kids are absolutely ADORABLE!

    I'm your newest follower and hope you will come back and follow me, as well! :)

  4. You signature didn't show up for me! Just a white box with a small red "X" in the corner. Bummer! But I will have to check out the site anyway!
