Friday, April 29, 2011

on my heart today is waiting.
I'm in a season of waiting right now
(Justin and I, our family......)
and I'll admit I can go nuts--pretty much at any moment
because of the

who likes to wait?!
mercy, not me.

but I've noticed that it's a theme running throughout the Bible.
and (I'll admit) that does not thrill me.  at all.
because really, aren't all of us waiting for something (seemingly) all the time?

so maybe this is something I should really get better at
this waiting thing.

but I just get so frustrated with waiting
and my desire for instant gratification
that surely I'm not pleasing God with
my pacing.
my analyzing.
my answers.

(as if I really have any...)

I just don't want to jump ahead of God
and His perfect plan
but really?!
(I suck at waiting)

and so I pray
what else can I really do?
isn't that what God wants anyway
us to realize we have nothing in us but Him
that creates beauty and strength?!


it all rules supreme in my heart...
if I allow it.
but God
but God, in me, through me, refining me
forms a heart that can wait patiently
for the blessings and goodness and perfect plan He's got ahead

and so, if when you read this--
you think. wow.  she really needs to get her act together
but then you see that God
God is the master of my imperfect, struggling heart
then somehow
I've clumsily accomplished exactly what I wanted to.

God in me
waiting patiently
for the plans He has yet to reveal to my family

suddenly kinda makes it sound exciting, doesn't it?!

wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord
psalm 27:14


have a SUPER weekend, my sweet blogreaders!


  1. okay this is beautifully written. i love the flow of this. and i totally can is hard to wait. love you friend! hugs your way! xoxo

  2. ok stop it! I blogged the exact same verse tonight! Oh we were meant to be friends!

  3. I totally know the feeling, as I constantly feel I'm in a state of waiting...and I am not very patient at all. But, I'm trying to see that God can use my waiting for His glory and can bring something amazing out of it. I know He will do the same for you.

  4. "God in me waiting patiently," it does sound exciting! It is a journey-
    [i know]
    Can't wait to see just what all of this waiting is about!

  5. waiting stinks but, HIS plans for us are perfect plans.
    it is SO exciting.

  6. oh this is perfectly said. "God IN me waiting patiently..." love it, thanks for sharing!

  7. so with you on this whole waiting thing. for the birds!

    good thing God's plan is perfect!!! :)

  8. yup, i'm right there with you. waiting is such a hard thing for me to do. there are a couple of important things i'm waiting on myself and i'm doing my best to wait for God's timing on them.

  9. Love the kiddos in front of the oven waiting :)

  10. ... for sure, but with Christ at least the waiting is cloaked in hope.
