Friday, January 6, 2012

3 liners. i use the word dwindling.

we had a slammin par-tay to ring in the new year
this year I bought noiseless blowers but forgot the bubbly
yes i let my boys stay up til midnight

Charity rang in the new year when she awoke at 6:45
remind me next year to let her stay up, too
{maybe.}  sleep is pretty priceless around here.

Caleb loves to eat pancakes
and loves the special treat of making them with dad
i love the sock monkey pj's and that look on his face

Jon made cake balls for the 'cousins sleepover'
50 cent wing night @ Pizza Hut sweetened the deal
Kung Fu Panda 2, Zookeeper......night of great fun and food

i was looking for my Christmas tote when I realized
my kids had turned it into a vehicle to cruise around the house
Charity also thought it would be fun to see the world at Jon's level (well, closer anyway)

she fell asleep in my arms
does that glow in the bottom right corner make me a professional photographer?

i made the mistake of letting Matthias play solitaire by himself on the computer
this pic was from earlier in the week when he cozied close to play with me
hazelnut coffee from my keurig with sugar-free hazelnut creamer.  yum.

YMCA soccer turned basketball
{long story.}
but Matthias was in all his glory shooting hoops. 

this week i've been taking the time to read old blog posts of mine
edit them (slightly)
and get ready to make a book of my blog for our family memories

i'm reading this current post thinking 'meh'
but i guarantee when i look back at this in 6 months
it will be as priceless as my posts from this past summer are now

happy friday
happy 'blank calendar' day
happy 'to-do' list is dwindling day


  1. Isn't it true how you look back and it all seems good. All of it. I love the cuddles pic. Precious.

  2. I love my blog books! Even with the errors. :) and your children stayed up later than me.

  3. You'll have to tell me more about the "blog book". Didn't know you could do that.
