Thursday, September 5, 2013

in one week a brown eyed boy started kindergarten and turned 6.

I'm pretty sure such heart wrenching is illegal in some countries.  
Such cuteness.
Such spirit.
Such determination.

Happy birthday to our baby boy.....who is clearly not such a baby anymore.
We're so proud of you, Matthias Steven!  Happy 6th Bday

Monday, September 2, 2013

New job, new meaning

Justin's got a new job at our church and this time around
It means more to us than before.
When you persevere through the trial
When you survive the storm that was longer
And more fierce than you could ever have imagined
You 'get it' a little more and remember why you loved
What you love in the first place.

God is so faithful, this we know.
God has plans for us that far surpass our own.....
And by that I mean that sometimes His plans can look WILD
At times but lead us to a place where we can
(Finally) look back and see some of what He was up to,
Praise Him for it, thank Him for His strength through it all,
And look with great anticipation at a future we once vowed
To completely avoid at all costs.
That's how it goes sometimes.

So, Lord, with full surrender 
(because that's the only way it can be done)
We do this thing called ministry.  
Please, oh please, take all the glory
It's Yours anyway.