Sunday, October 30, 2011

spaghetti made from squash and what we feel like around here.

smiles from this cutie pie have been few and far between
this last week
we're a bunch of sickies over here
a lot of "downtime" has been had.....
and I can't say that's been bad
sure, the sickness (me included) has been no fun
but the extra time just chillin with the kiddos has been snuggly

Justin captured this candid moment with Matthias and me
I was looking at some school papers for his big brothers
and he just helped himself to my lap and curled his little self around me

I've loved the extra moments we've had to just chill....
(what else do you do when even the tv gets boring
and not even your energetic children can get off the couch
to do anything?!)
there's been a lot of chillin

a lot of meds
a lot of OJ
a lot of vitamins
a lot of extra pj wearing
a lot of cuddles and kisses
a lot of tissues
a lot of "you're going to get better soon"
a lot of my prayers going like this:
"help, please Jesus!"
{as I peel my weary self off the couch to meet needs...}

my fav conversation came this morning
as we missed church for the second Sunday in a row.....
I attempted to hold a church service of my own for my children
complete with a few moments of Charles Stanley on tv
{it's okay.  Justin laughed at me, too
given the audience was our 8, 5, 4 and 1.5 year olds!}

and spent time memorizing our new family Bible verse
{Jeremiah 29:11}

and spent time talking about heaven.
no more sickness there!
woot.  woot.

everything new.
some of my fav 'new things' the boys wish for in heaven:
Jon:  new sports
Caleb:  new liquids!
{I'm guessing they're talking about liquids at school. 
he's been pretty fascinated lately}
Matthias:  new socks that say M-A-T-T
{he was wearing his brothers socks today
because most of his have holes
and he needs, yet again, some new ones to wear out!}
Jon was pretty excited for me
that there's probably going to be new coffee in heaven, too

bring on heaven.

we didn't actually stay inside every minute of this last week
the boys school had their costume parade.
caleb called himself the 'oh no' doctor
"you know, the one who gives shots all the time"
{ooooh.  scary!}

{Luuuuke.  I am your father.}
this is precisely why Justin wouldn't allow me 
to give one of our boys this name (though I loved the name Luke)
Jonathan rocks both the Vader suit and the shoes with bright orange laces
classic costume meets third grade

we cheered on our parade participants
and then the youngers and I headed to the school library
for our own little party
complete with goldfish crackers and McDonalds orange drink
and spider-themed bookmarks to color

what does dinner look like when you feel like
throw a spaghetti squash in the crock
rock it for 5ish hours on low
(I turned it a couple of times)
cut it in half, remove seeds
and use a fork to remove the 'noodles' that magically appear
top with a jar of spaghetti sauce
and you could call it dinner

{or overachieve like I did
by baking some refridgerator biscuits
sprinkling them with parmesan cheese for 'breadsticks'
and then boil up some pasta to add to the squash for those
who think noodles should really be 'noodles'
oh, and I think I microwaved up some edamame, too
cause even though I give my kids poptarts
I really value nutrition.}

and that's us.
lounging on couches
try not to be jealous, k?


  1. New liquids! lol, I love that. All your kids had sweet things to say about Heaven.

    Sorry to hear you've been sick!! I know how that is... in our family we pass the sickies around and around. Yuck. Get well soon!

  2. 2 weeks down with sickness. Oh, my. Hope this week is better...
    Love how Matthias pats your cheek. Precious.
    Even though Charity wasn't smiling much you sure captured 2 great ones...
    We watched a movie about Joseph when we missed church a few weeks ago now... Last week our 4 year old didn't want to get ready for church and exclaimed, "just turn on Jonah!!" (veggie tales Jonah, nope we went, nice try!)

  3. Oh my goodness...sick here too! Goig on week two! Praying you all get better soon my friend! Oh, and love. love. love. the costumes and I have a spaghetti squash sitting around needing to be used asap...guess what we're having? thanks for sharing your recipe!

  4. ohhhh I LOVE spaghetti squash! time.favorite.veggie AND I never thought about cooking it in the crockpot! I usually just cut it in half and stick it in the microwave...this is good to know!:) Happy Halloween!!

  5. scott would probably WANT our kid to be named luke.

  6. A.) I love the pics of you and Matt
    B.) I love that Dr. Caleb is wearing a monster truck t-shirt with his scrubs and professional white coat
    C.) Leah has been talking about the molecules in water, those smarty pants cousins! I feel like we did a lot more painting and a lot less molecules in Kindergarten...sheesh!
    Feel better soon! <3 <3

  7. Praying for your family to heal up & feel better very soon! Sometimes u just need to be able to do nothing for a day.Pj day & read book or watch movie , take a bath, just relax. u deserve it & it will make u a better mom if you do this

  8. their running tally of must-haves in heaven is priceless!

    hahaha! the oh no dr. L.O.V.E. the imagination here ~ better than any costume purchased at the store!

  9. LOVE this post. especially the photos of you and matthias. sweetness.

