Friday, February 28, 2014

P vex 2013-2014

Dear Polar Vortex

we survived.
{grace of God prevails}
well that was an experience.
a one, we hope.
as you can see we gathered some wonderful moments
And braved the freeze and the frigid and thawed in between
so we could do it again.
now once again, you can go and leave us alone.
I don't want to build {another} snowman.

Laurie for the fam

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Triple J turns 11

Happy birthday, Jon!  
Your smile and excitable personality is contagious,
Lighting up a room whenever you're in it.
We love you.
We love you for who you are and all the millions of ways 
That make you, YOU.
Just when we think we grasp what a blessing you are to us,
You amaze us once again with your heart that seems to burst
With the good news of the gospel, the news of Jesus as Savior
And we are thrilled for what He has in store for you.
Legos and basketball and China and Camp T......
Those subjects can always get you talking up a storm these days,
All for different reasons.
Of course, you're always ready for a chat with us
Whether it's in the car ride to somewhere, sitting in the family room
Or around the kitchen table.....
Please never stop all these great chats with us, son--
We love them and we love you.
Here's to 11 being as fun as 10 and 9.....
Let's celebrate YOU!